West Indian Creek

Location: Wabasha County, MN
Contact:  Win-Cres Chapter

Location: Wabasha County, MN


Funding: Lessard-Sams 2011


Goals: Reduce bank erosion, increase cover, reconnect stream to its floodplain, add native plant species whenever appropriate and possible, improve/increase sunlight to streams and increase trout angling opportunities.


 Sloping and stabilization of stream banks.

• Installation of overhead cover for trout.

• Installation of soil erosion blankets.

• Mulching and seeding of exposed stream banks with native species and removing undesirable woody species.

• Improvement of stream crossings

Implementation: Construction was completed in June 2012.

Project Contributors: Trout Unlimited and the MNDNR


Hay Creek, Goodhue County

Cold Spring Brook, Wabasha County