Five Chapters
The Minnesota Council of Trout Unlimited is comprised of six local chapters. The chapters focus their conservation efforts primarily on their particular geographic region and surrounding lakes and rivers, but work with each other and the Council to achieve our mission across Minnesota and the region.
Established In 1959
The Minnesota Council (aka “State Council”) is led by representatives from each chapter, as well as at-large representatives, who together govern Minnesota TU. The Council serves the chapters and membership, helping especially on resource issues of statewide importance and educating state and federal policy makers, agencies and the public about issues affecting watershed health and coldwater fisheries. In furtherance of its long range strategic plan, in 2009 the Minnesota Council incorporated itself and hired its first executive director. View our most recent tax filing here. The Minnesota Council meets quarterly at different locations around the state.
National TU
Trout Unlimited is America’s leading trout and salmon conservation organization. Trout Unlimited has close to 150,000 members and 400 volunteer-based chapters spread across the United States and Canada. Trout Unlimited is a non-profit, tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees and a grass-roots board called the National Leadership Council. The NLC is comprised of a representative from each state, including Minnesota. Trout Unlimited’s national headquarters is in Arlington, Virginia, with national staff located around the country.